
Understanding the 5 Major Types of Astrology Charts

Aryan K | July 1, 2024

Major Types of Astrology Charts

If you’re curious about the different types of astrological charts and what they reveal, you’re in the right place. This article breaks down the five major astrology chart types, from natal charts to medical astrology, providing a quick overview of what each type helps you understand.

Key Takeaways

  • Natal charts utilize the exact date, time, and location of birth to provide a comprehensive view of an individual’s personality, life path, and potential challenges, with a particular focus on the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant.

  • Synastry and composite charts are essential in relationship astrology, offering insights into how individuals connect and interact by examining the astrological dynamics between their charts.

  • Vedic astrology charts provide a distinct perspective by using the sidereal zodiac and categorizing houses into four trinities, each related to an element, to offer a detailed understanding of an individual’s life path, challenges, and opportunities.

  • An astrological reading can provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's personality, relationships, and life path by interpreting various astrology charts.

Natal Astrology Charts

Illustration of a natal astrology chart with zodiac signs and planets

Natal astrology charts, also known as birth charts or astrological birth charts, are the cornerstone of astrology. They use the exact date, time, and location of birth to create a snapshot of the sky at that moment, capturing the positions of the planets and zodiac signs. This celestial blueprint provides profound insights into an individual’s personality traits, life paths, and potential challenges through astrological interpretation.

The exact moment of birth is crucial in generating a natal chart. The birth date, birth time, and birth location are all needed to produce an accurate depiction of the sky. Online platforms like Deluxe Astrology have made it easier than ever to generate precise birth chart wheels, bringing the cosmos to your fingertips.

One of the most influential components of a natal chart is the Ascendant or rising sign. This is the zodiac sign that was ascending over the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The Ascendant shapes an individual’s perception of reality and sets the stage for the entire astrological chart.

The natal chart is divided into twelve houses, each representing different aspects of life. These range from personal and tangible areas, such as identity and material possessions, to more abstract and interpersonal domains, like relationships and spirituality. Even if a house does not contain a planet, it still plays a vital role in the individual’s life.

The Sun, Moon, and Ascendant are considered the most influential components of a natal chart. They provide a comprehensive picture of an individual’s inner and outer self:

  • The Sun sign represents one’s core identity and life purpose.

  • The Moon sign reflects its emotional nature.

  • The Ascendant indicates how one projects themselves to the world.

Planets occupy different houses in the birth chart, revealing how and where their energy manifests in an individual’s life. For example, the first house represents the energy we’re putting out into the world, what people notice about us, and our identity. The ninth house, on the other hand, focuses on exploration, travel, philosophy, and higher education.

The elemental emphasis in a natal chart occurs when five or more planets are in signs of one element, enhancing traits associated with that element. Conversely, an elemental void can emotionally impact a person, indicating areas that might need more conscious development.

To conclude, a natal astrology chart integrates houses, planets, and zodiac signs to provide a holistic view of an individual’s personality, life paths, and potential challenges. With the aid of online platforms, anyone can now explore their astrological birth chart and uncover the mysteries of their celestial blueprint.

Synastry and Composite Charts

Illustration of synastry and composite charts in relationship astrology

Relationship astrology takes us beyond individual charts to explore how two people connect through their astrological profiles. Synastry and composite charts are essential tools in this domain, providing insights into how individuals interact and the dynamics of their relationships. These charts are essential tools for assessing relationship compatibility by examining the astrological dynamics between individuals.

A synastry chart is a powerful tool in relationship astrology, overlaying two individual charts to see how the planets connect from one chart to another. This chart visually resembles a birth chart, divided into twelve sections, but it includes twice as many elements due to the combination of two individuals’ charts. The aspects in synastry charts, such as squares, trines, and conjunctions, indicate the geometric relationships between the two sets of planets, each carrying distinct meanings.

In synastry charts, these aspects reveal how two individuals may affect each other, highlighting areas of harmony and tension. For example, a trine or conjunction between Venus in one chart and Mars in another can suggest strong romantic attraction, while challenging aspects might indicate potential conflicts.

On the other hand, a composite chart creates a single chart from the two individuals to examine the relationship as a whole. This chart is constructed by finding the midpoints between the planets in the two individual charts, resulting in a unique astrological profile of the relationship itself.

Composite charts focus on how the relationship functions as a unit, providing insights into its strengths and challenges. For instance, a composite Sun in the seventh house might indicate a relationship centered around partnership and mutual support, while a composite Moon in the twelfth house could suggest hidden emotional dynamics.

Practical uses of synastry and composite charts extend to various types of relationships, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and professional collaborations. By understanding the astrological dynamics at play, individuals can navigate their relationships more effectively, fostering harmony and addressing potential issues before they escalate.

In summary, synastry and composite charts are invaluable tools in relationship astrology, offering a deeper understanding of how individuals connect and interact. Whether you’re exploring a new romance or strengthening an existing bond, these charts provide a celestial roadmap to navigate the complexities of human relationships.

Vedic Astrology Charts

Vedic astrology also referred to as Indian astrology, provides a distinctive viewpoint on how celestial influences impact our lives. Unlike Western astrology, which utilizes the tropical zodiac, Vedic astrology is grounded in the present positions of constellations, known as the sidereal zodiac.

A Vedic birth chart is a rectangular map of the stars and planets’ locations at the moment of birth, divided into twelve houses. Each house represents different aspects of life, such as:

  1. Self

  2. Wealth

  3. Communication

  4. Relationships

This comprehensive approach provides a holistic view of an individual’s life and potential.

In Vedic astrology, houses are categorized into good, bad, and neutral based on their inherent qualities. Good houses include the 1st, 2nd, 4th, fifth house, 7th, 9th, and 10th houses, which are generally considered favorable for various aspects of life. On the other hand, the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are considered challenging, and often associated with obstacles and difficulties. The 3rd and 11th houses are neutral and their effects depend on the planets and constellations located there at birth.

Vedic astrology further divides the twelve houses into four trinities, each related to one of the four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. The Dharma trinity, which includes the 1st, 5th, and 9th houses, is associated with spiritual action and purpose in life. The Artha trinity, consisting of the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses, deals with financial prospects and livelihood.

This intricate system provides a detailed understanding of an individual’s life path, challenges, and opportunities. Vedic astrology’s focus on constellations and their current positions offers a dynamic and ever-evolving perspective on our lives.

In conclusion, Vedic astrology charts provide a unique and comprehensive view of an individual’s life, blending ancient wisdom with modern insights. By understanding the houses and trinities, one can gain a deeper appreciation of their life’s purpose and potential.

Medical Astrology Charts

Illustration of medical astrology chart with zodiac signs and house placements

Medical astrology, a specialized branch of astrology, delves into the intricate connections between celestial bodies and human health. By analyzing the positions of planets, signs, and house placements, medical astrology can provide insights into an individual’s health, potential illnesses, and recovery prospects. By analyzing these factors, a health horoscope can provide insights into an individual’s health, potential illnesses, and recovery prospects.

The sixth house in medical astrology is crucial as it is considered the house of disease and sickness. The strength and position of the lord of the sixth house, compared to the lord of the Ascendant, can offer predictions about the likelihood of illness and the potential for recovery. Planets positioned in the sixth house can pinpoint which bodily systems or organs might be vulnerable to health issues. In contrast, the third house in medical astrology focuses on different aspects of an individual’s life.

Each zodiac sign and house in medical astrology represents specific body parts and potential health problems. For instance, Aries rules the head and can indicate issues such as migraines or sinus problems, while Taurus governs the throat and neck, potentially pointing to thyroid issues.

Afflictions to specific planets and signs can also reveal health vulnerabilities. For example, the Sun in the 12th house might indicate potential eye diseases, while afflictions to the Sun, Leo, and the 5th house are often associated with heart ailments. These associations allow astrologers to provide more tailored health advice based on an individual’s astrological chart.

Medical astrology charts also reveal the timing and duration of diseases through the Dasha system and planetary transits. The Dasha system, which is unique to Vedic astrology, segments life into periods ruled by different planets, each bringing its own set of influences and challenges.

In essence, medical astrology offers a unique lens through which we can understand health and wellness. By examining the intricate dance of planets and signs, one can gain valuable insights into potential health issues and proactive measures to maintain well-being.

Electional and Horary Astrology Charts

Electional and horary astrology charts are tools that help guide decisions and answer pressing questions. Electional astrology is used to determine the best timing for events, ensuring that actions are initiated under the most auspicious celestial conditions. Electional astrology is used to determine the best timing for events, ensuring that actions are initiated under the most auspicious astrological timing.

In electional astrology, astrologers choose the most favorable moments to start activities or ventures by analyzing the positions of the Moon and other planets. Key elements considered include beneficial aspects with planets like Venus and Jupiter, which can enhance the success and smoothness of the undertaken endeavor. For instance, starting a new business under a favorable Venus aspect can attract prosperity and harmony.

The ascendant’s position at the desired time of the event is also crucial in electional astrology. The chosen moment must align with the ascendant’s position to maximize the potential for success. Electional astrology tools can highlight these beneficial dates, making it easier to plan important life events like weddings, surgeries, or business launches.

Horary astrology, on the other hand, is an ancient form of astrology used to answer specific questions based on the exact moment the question is asked. When a question is posed, a chart is cast for that moment, and the astrologer interprets the chart to provide answers. This form of astrology offers immediate and precise insights, often revealing hidden information or future outcomes.

The interpretation of a horary chart involves analyzing the positions of planets, houses, and aspects to uncover the answer to the question. For example, if someone asks about the success of a potential job opportunity, the astrologer will look at the 10th house of career and its ruling planet to provide an answer.

Electional and horary astrology offer practical and immediate tools for navigating life’s uncertainties. By aligning actions with celestial timings and seeking answers through horary charts, individuals can make more informed and auspicious decisions.

Interpreting Astrological Patterns

Illustration of astrological pattern configurations in a birth chart

Interpreting astrological patterns involves looking beyond individual signs and planets to understand the overall configuration of a birth chart. Two prominent methods for chart analysis are hemisphere analysis and pattern analysis.

Hemisphere analysis divides the chart into four quadrants, each representing different life areas and psychological tendencies. The emphasis on certain hemispheres can indicate a focus on:

  • Personal development

  • Relationships

  • Career

  • Spirituality

Pattern analysis, introduced by astrologer Marc Edmund Jones, categorizes charts into specific configurations such as:

  • Bundle

  • Bowl

  • Bucket

  • Locomotive

  • Splash

  • Splay

  • Seesaw

These patterns offer insights into an individual’s personality and life themes through detailed astrological analysis.

The bundle pattern, also known as a wedge, shows planets within four houses, indicating intense focus and specialization but limited understanding of other areas. Individuals with this pattern may excel in specific fields but struggle with broader perspectives.

A bowl configuration places all planets in one half of the chart, suggesting a strong drive to fill perceived voids in the areas without planets. This can lead to a focused and determined personality, always striving to achieve balance.

In a bucket configuration, all planets except one are in one half of the chart, with the lone planet acting as a dominant handle shaping life themes. This handle planet often represents a significant life focus or talent that guides the individual’s actions.

The locomotive configuration spans two-thirds of the chart, driving individuals with significant effort towards their goals, especially influenced by the leading planet. This pattern suggests a dynamic and goal-oriented personality with strong motivation.

A splash configuration indicates planets scattered across the chart, resulting in diverse interests but potential difficulty in maintaining focus. Individuals with this pattern may explore many fields but need to work on concentrating their energies.

The splay configuration features planets distributed in pairs around the chart, requiring effort to harness individual talents into cohesive skills. This pattern suggests a versatile personality with multiple interests and talents.

A seesaw configuration suggests:

  • A constant balancing of opposing needs and talents

  • Unpredictability and balance issues until equilibrium in life’s various aspects is achieved

  • A dynamic personality with a need for balance and integration.

By understanding these patterns, individuals can gain deeper insights into their personalities, life themes, and challenges. This holistic approach provides a richer and more nuanced understanding of one’s astrological blueprint.


Astrology offers a profound and multifaceted lens through which we can understand ourselves and our lives. From natal charts that map our personalities and life paths to synastry and composite charts that illuminate our relationships, each type of astrology chart provides unique insights. Each type of astrology chart provides unique astrological insights into various aspects of life.

Vedic astrology offers a distinct perspective, focusing on the current positions of constellations, while medical astrology connects celestial influences to our health. Electional and horary astrology guide us in making auspicious decisions and finding immediate answers. Finally, interpreting astrological patterns reveals the deeper themes and configurations that shape our lives.

In conclusion, the stars and planets hold a wealth of knowledge waiting to be discovered. By exploring these various astrology charts, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic understanding, unlocking the mysteries of the universe and our place within it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most important component of a natal chart?

The Sun, Moon, and Ascendant are the most important components of a natal chart, as they reveal essential aspects of one's personality and life path.

How do synastry charts help in relationship astrology?

Synastry charts help in relationship astrology by revealing how the planets in two individuals' charts interact and affect each other. This can provide insight into the dynamics of the relationship.

What makes Vedic astrology different from Western astrology?

Vedic astrology differs from Western astrology in that it uses the sidereal zodiac and focuses on the current positions of constellations for predictions.

How can medical astrology predict health issues?

Medical astrology predicts health issues by using the positions of planets, signs, and houses to identify vulnerabilities in specific body parts and potential health problems. This can provide insight into potential health concerns and help individuals take preventive measures.

What are astrological patterns and how do they influence personality?

Astrological patterns, like bundle, bowl, and bucket configurations, offer valuable insights into an individual's personality, life themes, and challenges by examining the overall placement of planets in the birth chart. They can be influential in understanding one's characteristics and life path.

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Aryan K Astro Spiritual Advisor
Aryan K. is a seasoned astrologer and a dedicated team member at Deluxe Astrology. With an extensive background in astrology, Aryan possesses in-depth knowledge in various domains including Zodiac Signs, Tarot, Numerology, Nakshatra, Career Astrology, Kundli analysis, and marriage predictions. His passion for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and providing accurate astrological insights has made him a trusted name in the field. Aryan’s articles aim to enlighten readers with precise and practical astrological guidance, ensuring they benefit from the ancient wisdom of astrology. Whether you're seeking clarity about your future, understanding your personality traits, or making informed decisions about your career or relationships, Aryan's expertise is here to guide you. When he's not writing, Aryan enjoys stargazing and delving into the latest astrological studies to enhance his knowledge and expertise in the field continually.

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