Astrology Kundli

Pitra Dosha Calculator: How to Calculate and Remedy Ancestral Afflictions?

Aryan K | June 22, 2024


In Vedic astrology, Pitra Dosha is a significant aspect that affects individuals' lives. This affliction, believed to stem from ancestral karma, can create obstacles and challenges in one's journey. Understanding how the Pitra Dosha calculator works and knowing the various remedies are essential for those seeking to alleviate its effects and lead a more harmonious life. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of Pitra Dosha, exploring its calculation methods and effective remedies.

1. What is Pitra Dosha?

Pitra Dosha, also known as Pithru Dosham or Pitru Dosha, or Pitra Dosh, refers to an affliction in a person's horoscope caused by the negative karma of their ancestors. It is believed that when the departed souls of ancestors are not at peace due to unfulfilled desires or unresolved issues, their negative energies can affect the lives of their descendants.

Astrological Significance of Pitra Dosha

In astrological terms, Pitra Dosha is linked to family and personal issues. For instance, it can cause delays in marriage, difficulties in having children, financial troubles, and health problems. This dosha significantly influences an individual's overall life trajectory and well-being. To correct Pitra Dosha, one must employ both astrological remedies and actions that honor and appease one's ancestors through rituals and good deeds.

Causes Behind Pitra Dosha

The primary causes of Pitra Dosha stem from the karmic debts and unresolved issues of one's ancestors. This dosha arises for several reasons:

  • Neglect of Ancestors: Ancestors' neglect plays a significant role in Pitra Dosha. When individuals fail to perform proper rituals (Shradh) and offerings to their ancestors, Pitra Dosha forms. This neglect disrupts the ancestral lineage and causes unrest among the departed souls.
  • Unfulfilled Duties: If ancestors commit significant misdeeds or leave important tasks unfinished, their descendants might inherit these karmic debts, which manifest as Pitra Dosha in their horoscopes.
  • Planetary Combinations: Specific planetary combinations can also cause Pitra Dosha. For instance, a weakened or afflicted Sun and the presence of malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, or Mars in certain houses indicate ancestral affliction, debts that need to be rectified.​

Know more: Kaalsarpa Calculator: How to Identify Kaalsarpa Dosha

Effects and Symptoms of Pitra Dosha

Pitra Dosha can lead to various significant impacts on one's life. Here are the common effects and Pitra Dosha symptoms:

  • Delays in Marriage: Individuals with Pitra Dosha often face repeated obstacles in their marriage plans. They may encounter difficulties finding a suitable partner, leading to prolonged delays in marriage​.
  • Health Issues: This dosha can result in chronic illnesses and unexplained medical conditions within the family. These health problems can disrupt daily life and create ongoing stress for affected individuals​.
  • Financial Problems: Persistent financial instability is a common symptom. Families dealing with Pitra Dosha might struggle with money issues, leading to poverty or continuous economic hardship.
  • Other Familial Difficulties: Additional effects include frequent family arguments, lack of peace at home, miscarriages, and problems conceiving children. These issues can create a stressful and unhappy home environment​.

By understanding these impacts, individuals can better recognize the presence of Pitra Dosha and take appropriate steps to mitigate its effects through remedies and rituals.

Learn: How Does Vedha Dosha Impact Relationships and Marriage

2. Pitra Dosha Calculator: How it Works?

The first step to calculating Pitra Dosha involves analyzing the individual's ancestral lineage. This includes examining the horoscopes of parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents to identify any afflictions or malefic influences.

  • Placement of Sun and Rahu/Ketu: Pitra Dosha is often associated with the Sun's position and the Moon's nodes (Rahu and Ketu) in the horoscope. If the Sun is afflicted by Rahu or Ketu or is placed in certain malefic houses, it can indicate the presence of Pitra Dosha.
  • Astrological Charts Examination: Astrologers meticulously examine various astrological charts, including the Navamsa and Dashamsha charts, to ascertain the presence and severity of Pitra Dosha.
  • Observation of Lunar Nodes: Rahu and Ketu's position in specific houses, especially the fifth, ninth, and twelfth houses, is crucial in determining the existence of Pitra Dosha.

3. Remedies for Pitra Dosha

Addressing Pitra Dosha involves various remedies and rituals to appease one's ancestors and mitigate the dosha's negative effects. Here are step-by-step guides on how to perform some of the most effective rituals and Pitra or Pitru Dosha remedies.

Performing Shradh


Shradh is a ritual that honors deceased ancestors. Here's how you can perform it:

  • Choose the Right Date: Perform Shradh during the Pitru Paksha (the fortnight dedicated to ancestors), especially on the ancestor's death anniversary (Tithi).
  • Prepare the Offerings: Gather food items, sesame seeds, flowers, and water. Prepare a meal that includes your ancestors' favorite dishes.
  • Invocation: Sit facing south and place the offerings on a clean surface. Invoke your ancestors by reciting their names and the mantras dedicated to them.
  • Offering Food and Water: Offer the prepared food, and water mixed with sesame seeds, and flowers while chanting the mantras.
  • Feeding Brahmins: Invite Brahmins (priests) for a meal and offer them food as a sign of respect to your ancestors.
  • Distributing Food: Donate food and clothes to the needy to complete the ritual​.

Tarpan Ritual


Tarpan is a ritual of offering water to the ancestors. Here's how to perform it:

  • Gather Materials: You will need water, black sesame seeds, barley, and flowers.
  • Choose the Right Time: Perform Tarpan in the morning, preferably during Pitru Paksha.
  • Invocation: Stand facing south, hold water in your hands, and invoke your ancestors' names.
  • Offering Water: Mix sesame seeds and barley in the water. Slowly pour the water onto the ground or into a flowing river while reciting the appropriate mantras.
  • Prayers: Pray for the peace and well-being of your ancestors' souls.

Pind Daan


Pind Daan involves offering rice balls (pindas) to ancestors. Here’s the step-by-step process:

  • Prepare the Pindas: Make rice balls mixed with black sesame seeds, honey, and ghee.
  • Choose the Location: Perform this ritual at a sacred place like Gaya or on the banks of a holy river.
  • Invocation and Offering: Place the pindas on a clean plate, face south, and invoke your ancestors by their names. Next, offer the pindas to the sacred fire or immerse them in a river while chanting mantras.

Surya Arghya (Offering Water to the Sun)


Strengthening the Sun in your horoscope can help mitigate Pitra Dosha. Here's how to perform Surya Arghya:

  • Choose the Right Time: Perform this ritual at sunrise.
  • Prepare the Arghya: Fill a copper vessel with clean water, and add red flowers, rice grains, and a pinch of red sandalwood powder.
  • Offering: Stand facing east with the vessel in your hands. Pour the water slowly while reciting the Surya Gayatri Mantra: "Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe, Divakaraya Dhimahi, Tanno Suryah Prachodayat."
  • Prayers: Pray to the Sun for strength and the removal of Pitra Dosha effects.

Charitable Deeds and Karma Correction


Correcting one's karma is essential in addressing Pitra Dosha. Here's how to approach it:

  • Respect Elders: Show utmost respect and care for your parents and elders.
  • Perform Good Deeds: Engage in charitable activities such as donating food, clothes, and money to the needy.
  • Avoid Negative Actions: Steer clear of any actions that might harm others. Maintain a positive and respectful attitude towards all.

In Conclusion

Astrology offers insights into the complexities of human existence, including the influence of ancestral karma. Pitra Dosha reminds us of the interconnectedness between past and present. It emphasizes the importance of ancestral blessings and forgiveness in shaping our destinies. By understanding the Pitra Dosh calculation methods and implementing the appropriate remedies, individuals can mitigate the adverse effects of Pitra Dosha. Thus, paving the way for a more prosperous and harmonious life journey. 

FAQs on Pitra Dosha

How can I check my Pitra Dosha?

To check for Pitra Dosha, you can use our Pitru Dosha calculator. Just enter your birth details, such as date, time, and place of birth. Our calculator will analyze your horoscope for specific planetary combinations indicating Pitra Dosha. Consulting an experienced astrologer can also help determine the presence and severity of Pitra Dosha in your chart.

Which God to pray for Pitru Dosha?

To mitigate the effects of Pitru Dosha, you should pray to Lord Vishnu, particularly in his form as Narayana. Performing rituals like Shradh and Tarpan during Pitru Paksha and chanting mantras dedicated to Lord Vishnu can also help appease the ancestors and reduce the impact of the dosha.

Which planet is responsible for Pitra Dosh?

The primary planet responsible for Pitra Dosh is the Sun. However, malefic influences from planets like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, and Mars, especially when they are in certain houses of the horoscope, can also indicate the presence of Pitra Dosha​.

Can Pitra Dosha be removed?

Pitra Dosha cannot be entirely removed, but its effects can be mitigated through proper rituals and karmic corrections. Performing Shradh, Tarpan, and other ancestral rituals during Pitru Paksha, along with maintaining good deeds and respecting elders, can significantly reduce the adverse effects of Pitra Dosha​.

Can a girl have Pitra Dosh?

Yes, a girl can have Pitra Dosh. Pitra Dosh is determined by the planetary positions in the birth chart, and it can affect anyone regardless of gender. The presence of Pitra Dosh in a girl's horoscope can cause similar familial and personal challenges as it would in a boy's horoscope​.

How long does Pitra Dosh last?

The duration of Pitra Dosh's effects depends on the severity and specific planetary combinations in the horoscope. It can persist throughout an individual's life unless properly addressed through astrological remedies and rituals. However, regular observance of ancestral rites and good karmic practices can help mitigate its impact over time​.

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Aryan K Astro Spiritual Advisor
Aryan K. is a seasoned astrologer and a dedicated team member at Deluxe Astrology. With an extensive background in astrology, Aryan possesses in-depth knowledge in various domains including Zodiac Signs, Tarot, Numerology, Nakshatra, Career Astrology, Kundli analysis, and marriage predictions. His passion for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and providing accurate astrological insights has made him a trusted name in the field. Aryan’s articles aim to enlighten readers with precise and practical astrological guidance, ensuring they benefit from the ancient wisdom of astrology. Whether you're seeking clarity about your future, understanding your personality traits, or making informed decisions about your career or relationships, Aryan's expertise is here to guide you. When he's not writing, Aryan enjoys stargazing and delving into the latest astrological studies to enhance his knowledge and expertise in the field continually.

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