Christopher Reeve Horoscope Birth Chart
Birth Date | September 25, 1952 |
Birth Place | New York, city in New York, United States of America |
Birth Time | 3:12 AM |
Rashi | Scorpio |
Birth Nakshatra | Jyeshta |
Ascendant | Cancer |
Rising Nakshatra | Ashlesha |
Birth Date | September 25, 1952 |
Birth Place | New York, city in New York, United States of America |
Birth Time | 3:12 AM |
Rashi | Scorpio |
Birth Nakshatra | Jyeshta |
Ascendant | Cancer |
Rising Nakshatra | Ashlesha |
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Name |
Christopher Reeve
Date Of Birth |
September 25, 1952
Time of Birth |
3:12 AM
Place |
New York, city in New York, United States of America
Lattitude |
Longitude |
Timezone |
Tithi | Shukla Shashthi |
Yog | Ayushman |
Nakshatra | Jyeshtha |
Karan | Taitil |
Sunrise | 05:47:10 |
Sunset | 17:48:57 |
Ascendant | Leo |
Varna | Vipra |
Vashya | Keetak |
Yoni | Mrig |
Gan | Rakshasa |
Paya | Copper |
Planets | R | Sign | Sign Lord | Degree | Nakshatra | Nakshatra Lord | House |
Sun | - | Virgo | Mercury | 158.99712835968 | Uttra Phalguni | Sun | 2 |
Moon | - | Scorpio | Mars | 229.89252776193 | Jyeshtha | Mercury | 4 |
Mars | - | Scorpio | Mars | 235.08503473449 | Jyeshtha | Mercury | 4 |
Mercury | - | Virgo | Mercury | 159.61674290558 | Uttra Phalguni | Sun | 2 |
Jupiter | R | Aries | Mars | 27.385828210245 | Krittika | Sun | 9 |
Venus | - | Libra | Venus | 183.86178847979 | Chitra | Mars | 3 |
Saturn | - | Virgo | Mercury | 172.81013825218 | Hast | Moon | 2 |
Rahu | R | Capricorn | Saturn | 296.05030741935 | Dhanishtha | Mars | 6 |
Ketu | R | Cancer | Moon | 116.05030741935 | Ashlesha | Mercury | 12 |
Ascendant | R | Leo | Sun | 127.27252290487 | Magha | Ketu | 1 |