 03 March, 2025

Donald Trump Horoscope Birth Chart

Birth Date June 14, 1946
Birth Place New York , USA
Birth Time 10:54 AM
Rashi Scorpio
Birth Nakshatra Jyeshta
Ascendant Leo
Rising Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

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Astro Details

Basic Details
Donald Trump
Date Of Birth
June 14, 1946
Time of Birth
10:54 AM
New York , USA
Panchang Details
Tithi Purnima
Yog Shubh
Nakshatra Jyeshtha
Karan Bava
Sunrise 04:35:56
Sunset 19:55:15
Astro Details
Ascendant Leo
Varna Vipra
Vashya Keetak
Yoni Mrig
Gan Rakshasa
Paya Copper

Donald Trump Horoscope Chart

Planets R Sign Sign Lord Degree Nakshatra Nakshatra Lord House
Sun - Taurus Venus 59.863824830488 Mrigshira Mars 10
Moon - Scorpio Mars 238.59371370395 Jyeshtha Mercury 4
Mars - Leo Sun 123.69484066653 Magha Ketu 1
Mercury - Gemini Mercury 75.832478981348 Ardra Rahu 11
Jupiter R Virgo Mercury 174.34769671866 Chitra Mars 2
Venus - Cancer Moon 92.683351793585 Punarvasu Jupiter 12
Saturn - Cancer Moon 90.716136957269 Punarvasu Jupiter 12
Rahu R Taurus Venus 57.650084278673 Mrigshira Mars 10
Ketu R Scorpio Mars 237.65008427867 Jyeshtha Mercury 4
Ascendant R Leo Sun 135.15906795663 Purva Phalguni Venus 1


Donald Trump’s Astrology and Zodiac Overview

Donald Trump, born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York, is a Gemini Sun with a Sagittarius Moon and a Leo Rising (Ascendant). These astrological placements reflect his charismatic, ambitious, and commanding personality, which has been central to his success as a real estate mogul, reality TV star, and politician. His birth chart reveals traits that have shaped his public image, leadership style, and life choices.


Astrological Profile: Key Placements

Sun in Gemini:

Trump’s Sun sign in Gemini highlights his adaptability, sharp intellect, and ability to thrive in dynamic environments. This placement explains his love for communication, media appearances, and his quick wit. However, Gemini’s dual nature also suggests a tendency toward unpredictability and controversial opinions, often polarizing public perception.

Moon in Sagittarius:

His Sagittarius Moon fuels his adventurous spirit, optimism, and emotionally charged decision-making. This placement also indicates a deep need for growth and exploration, evident in his ambitious ventures and global outreach. It complements his larger-than-life persona, reinforcing his penchant for bold claims and expansive goals.

Leo Rising (Ascendant):

Leo Rising gives Trump a magnetic and commanding public image. It adds boldness, confidence, and a desire to be at the center of attention. This placement aligns with his focus on personal branding, his love for grand gestures, and his ability to dominate the spotlight, whether in business or politics.


Influence of His Astrological Profile on Key Life Areas


Family and Early Influence

Trump’s father, Fred Trump, played a significant role in shaping his career and personality. Fred, a successful real estate developer, laid the foundation for Donald’s entry into the world of real estate. The Moon in Sagittarius reflects the adventurous influence of his father, who encouraged Donald to think big and take risks. His Leo Rising also indicates a deep desire to live up to his father’s legacy while carving his unique path to success.


Love Life and Relationships

Trump’s Venus placement in Cancer emphasizes his sentimental and family-oriented approach to relationships. He has been married three times: to Ivana Trump, Marla Maples, and his current wife, Melania Trump. His relationships have been highly publicized, with his Leo Ascendant adding a flair for drama and grandeur. His marriages reflect both his personal and public life, where love often intertwines with ambition and status.


Real Estate Business

Donald Trump’s rise as a real estate mogul is closely tied to his astrological placements. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in Libra highlights his knack for striking deals and forming strategic partnerships. His Mars in Leo fuels his drive to create iconic projects, such as Trump Tower in Manhattan. These placements indicate his relentless pursuit of success and his ability to turn challenges into opportunities.


The Apprentice and TV Stardom

Trump’s stint as the host of The Apprentice showcased his Leo Ascendant at its peak. His commanding presence, combined with his Gemini Sun’s communication skills, made him a household name. The show’s success reinforced his image as a decisive leader and an authoritative figure in the business world. His Sagittarius Moon contributed to the show’s adventurous and competitive format, which resonated with viewers.


Political Career and Recent Re-Election Bid

Trump’s entry into politics and his tenure as the 45th President of the United States reflect his boldness and determination, hallmarks of Leo Rising. His re-election campaign is a testament to his resilience and ambition. The influence of his Sagittarius Moon is evident in his optimistic messaging and his focus on transformative policies. Despite controversies, his ability to connect with a broad audience aligns with his Gemini Sun’s gift for communication.

Astrological Highlights and Their Impact

Mercury in Cancer:

Trump’s Mercury placement influences his emotional communication style. While this placement enables him to connect on a personal level, it also reflects his tendency toward reactive and sometimes polarizing rhetoric.

Mars in Leo:

Mars in Leo fuels Trump’s competitive nature, assertiveness, and desire to be seen as a leader. This placement has driven his bold moves in business, politics, and media.

Jupiter in Libra:

Jupiter enhances his ability to form partnerships and negotiate deals, a cornerstone of his real estate success. It also reflects his focus on fairness and balance in his public policies and business dealings.

Legacy and Influence

Donald Trump’s astro birth chart encapsulates the traits that have defined his life: charisma, ambition, and a flair for the dramatic. His Sun in Gemini reflects his ability to adapt and communicate effectively, while his Leo Rising ensures he remains at the center of attention. The influence of Sagittarius Moon fuels his bold aspirations, driving his career across diverse fields, from real estate to television to politics.

Whether through his towering real estate projects, his iconic catchphrase “You’re fired!” on The Apprentice, or his bold political moves, Trump’s astrological blueprint reveals a personality that thrives on challenges and public recognition. As he continues to shape his legacy, his birth chart highlights a life driven by ambition, resilience, and the desire to leave an indelible mark on the world stage.